falcon GE_camera Astronomy Observatory Open House Eugene Sokolov
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It would be hard to write an essay about a person who had a significant influence on me; therefore I have written about the two people in my life that influenced me the most. Neither influenced me greater than the other; both of them are equally significant to me. Combining these two people has shaped my passions and characteristics to what they are today.

While I was still a young boy, my grandfather passed on his passion for math and science to me and from that, grew my love for engineering. My interest truly showed at the age of thirteen, when my reckless cycling left me with three different broken bicycles. Using my sparse knowledge but enormous enthusiasm for engineering, I took functional pieces of the broken bicycles, and built a new bicycle. When I showed my grandfather my creation, his eyes lit up with pride: I had accomplished an engineering feat on my own.

Everyday I aspire to be as intellectual as my grandfather, who graduated from and later taught at one of the best engineering universities in Russia. Repeatedly, he has enforced my keen interest for physics through our monthly visits to museums, various science experiments, and our attempts at being mechanics. This man single-handedly shaped my dreams to what they are today: becoming an engineer.

While my grandfather has molded my passion, my most important characteristics have been developed by the woman who raised me. Living with a single mother has taught me that persistence and determination are the qualities necessary to succeed in life. Watching my mother progress from working three jobs to earning a six figure salary after just five years of arriving into this country, has shown me what can be accomplished when a person truly focuses on a goal and works tirelessly to achieve it. Whether it is at school, at work, on the soccer field, or at home, when endless obligations fill my lengthy “to do list,” my strong will to accomplish my objectives takes over. Sacrificing sleep after a long day at soccer practice or work to complete my homework on time is a small price to pay for success later in life. Thanks to my mother, not only am I alive, but I am also a hardworking individual.

Two halves make a whole. Without both of these people, I would not be the same person who stands strong today. With the love for engineering that my grandfather has passed on to me, and the persistence and determination my mother has taught me, I am sure to leave my mark on the world.

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